“Your dissent is respectfully rejected.”

Don’t agree with Councilor David Madore on Alternative 4?
Too bad.
At least that’s the message Clark County council candidate Chuck Green got today when he sent his thoughts on the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan update to the council and planning staff. Green forwarded the exchange on to me.
I’ve attached Green’s comments, but here’s the summarized gist of them: wait until after the November elections to give the two new councilors a say in the update. Consider moving forward with Alternative 1, which keeps most zoning in the county the way it is now, and Alternative 3, which expands the urban growth boundaries for several small cities. Throw out Alternative 2, which consolidates some mismatched zoning, and definitely throw out Alternative 4, which will decrease the minimum lot sizes for rural, agriculture and forest land.
Planning staff put together Alternatives 1, 2 and 3. Madore wrote Alternative 4.
Madore responded about two hours later, and I’m just going to go ahead and let him speak for himself.
On Monday, April 13, 2015 8:40 AM, “Madore, David” <David.Madore@clark.wa.gov> wrote:
Chuck Green,
We hear a wide variety of opinions on each topic. Some prefer stagnation over prosperity, backwardness over progress, fear over responsible growth. It is reassuring to see that common sense is by far, the predominant voice that easily provides compelling reasons for moving our community forward. Your endorsement of Alternative 1, the “do nothing” option has been noted in the public record.
There are divergent views regarding the appropriate role of an elected representative. Some see that office as a license to overrule and to rule over the people and as a means to use the force of government to exploit the people. That corruption is easily corrected by respecting our foundational documents that authorize these positions in the first place.
The valid role of an elected representative is of course, to faithfully re-present the people as expressed by the consent of the governed. I encourage you to consider the preamble and first three sections of our state constitution:
“We, the people of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this constitution.
SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
SECTION 2 SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land.
SECTION 3 PERSONAL RIGHTS. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”
I will continue to listen to and faithfully serve the citizens in compliance with those principles as intended by our wonderful form of representative government. As you should be aware, your statements regarding the Charter are exactly backwards from the truth. The fact is that the Charter will diminish representation of rural citizens from 100% (voting for all three county commissioners) to 40% (voting for 2 of 5).
We will continue to proactively work to move our community forward with all due diligence. We will fulfill our responsibility to analyze the four reasonable options in a timely manner to satisfy SEPA requirements including Alternative Four. Your dissent is respectfully rejected.
OK, let’s key in on my favorite parts of this email.
Madore says he’s grateful for “compelling reasons,” that move our community forward. Oh, like the compelling reasons Madore asked for during the “In God We Trust” hearings and the public comments over his labor union resolutions? I’ve asked Madore once before, but he refused to tell me, what “compelling reasons” even are. After dozens and dozens of people speak out against a proposed policy, what more does he possibly need to hear to be convinced that there may be a way of thinking other than his own?
Then, of course, there’s this: “Your dissent is respectfully rejected.”
So, thanks but no thanks, Chuck.
I guess sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming “La-la-la-la-la” when someone doesn’t agree with you is one way to govern.
The council will vote on which alternatives to move forward for environmental analysis tomorrow. I’ll be there and tweeting. I may also wear jammies, at the recommendation of Community Planner Gordy Euler.
Edit: For what it’s worth, here’s the full email exchange between Green and Madore.
———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Chuck Green sjclgreen@yahoo.com
To: “Madore, David” <David.Madore@clark.wa.gov>, Tom Mielke <tom.mielke@clark.wa.gov>, “jeanne.stewart@clark.wa.gov” <jeanne.stewart@clark.wa.gov>, “mark.mccauley@clark.wa.gov” <mark.mccauley@clark.wa.gov>, Oliver Orjiako oliver.orjiako@clark.wa.gov
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 2015 18:34:45 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: Re: Your dissent is respectfully rejected.Thank you for your quick and timely response, Councilor Madore.
By way of copying all three Councilors and others who were part of my original comment transmittal, I am requesting that your response to me be considered by all involved parties and that your response be added to the official public record for the Comprehensive Plan update.
-Chuck Green
Ridgefield ResidentOn Monday, April 13, 2015 8:40 AM, “Madore, David” <David.Madore@clark.wa.gov> wrote:
Chuck Green,
We hear a wide variety of opinions on each topic. Some prefer stagnation over prosperity, backwardness over progress, fear over responsible growth. It is reassuring to see that common sense is by far, the predominant voice that easily provides compelling reasons for moving our community forward. Your endorsement of Alternative 1, the “do nothing” option has been noted in the public record.
There are divergent views regarding the appropriate role of an elected representative. Some see that office as a license to overrule and to rule over the people and as a means to use the force of government to exploit the people. That corruption is easily corrected by respecting our foundational documents that authorize these positions in the first place.
The valid role of an elected representative is of course, to faithfully re-present the people as expressed by the consent of the governed. I encourage you to consider the preamble and first three sections of our state constitution:
“We, the people of the State of Washington, grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for our liberties, do ordain this constitution.
SECTION 1 POLITICAL POWER. All political power is inherent in the people, and governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed, and are established to protect and maintain individual rights.
SECTION 2 SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land.
SECTION 3 PERSONAL RIGHTS. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”
I will continue to listen to and faithfully serve the citizens in compliance with those principles as intended by our wonderful form of representative government. As you should be aware, your statements regarding the Charter are exactly backwards from the truth. The fact is that the Charter will diminish representation of rural citizens from 100% (voting for all three county commissioners) to 40% (voting for 2 of 5).
We will continue to proactively work to move our community forward with all due diligence. We will fulfill our responsibility to analyze the four reasonable options in a timely manner to satisfy SEPA requirements including Alternative Four. Your dissent is respectfully rejected.
From: Chuck Green [mailto:sjclgreen@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 7:02 AM
To: Madore, David; Mielke, Tom; Stewart, Jeanne; McCauley, Mark; Orjiako, Oliver
Subject: Comments for the Record, April 14 Comprehensive Plan HearingGood morning, County Councilors, Mr. McCauley, and Dr. Orjiako
I am submitting the attached for the written record for the April 14 Comprehensive Plan Update hearing. Time permitting, I do plan to speak these into the record, but in case I am not available to do so, please take these as my comments.
Thank you.
-Chuck Green
Ridgefield resident