Will David Madore run for top council seat?

Is Councilor David Madore running for Clark County council chairman?
Honestly, I have no idea, so don’t ask me. I’ve heard the rumor, but filing week is still a month off and Madore hasn’t filed anything with the Public Disclosure Commission.
But in case you didn’t read The Reflector this week, Madore’s definitely considering it.
“We are in the process of doing some research and we should know within a week whether or not that will be the case,” Madore told Ken Vance, The Reflector’s editor.
He went on to tell Vance that if he were to run, it wouldn’t be to run against Councilor Tom Mielke, who will run for the seat. He’s just planning to offer a different view point.
If Madore runs, he has nothing to lose, nor does Mielke. They don’t give up their current positions by running for chair, and will remain on the dais until the end of their terms in 2016 if they lose.
Madore is currently the county chair, though the charter gives that seat a little more power—at the very least, a bigger paycheck—than it does now. If Madore runs, he’ll also be competing against Marc Boldt, who he challenged and beat for the commissioner seat in 2012. Boldt announced his bid for the seat late last month after a few years away from politics.
All three are Republicans.
As you all know, Madore and I aren’t exactly buds, so I’m sure I’ll find out when he announces on his Facebook page like the rest of Clark County.