Author: Stephanie Rice

Take the Topper Challenge

On Monday, City Manager Eric Holmes brought the council up to speed on criticism of plans for the Columbia Way extension, specifically that the east-west arterial leading to the waterfront development […]

Stephanie Turlay: The good Lord made fossil fuels so they must be OK

Stephanie Turlay, the would-be First Lady of Vancouver, sent a June 2 letter to the Vancouver City Council, scolding members who'd expressed opposition to the proposed Tesoro-Savage oil handling facility.  I scanned the […]

The “Turlay” provision?

The proposed changes to the Vancouver city charter are out, and I admit to not attending any meetings of the charter review committee. My job demands that I have a […]

Go to Low Bar for lowdown on Leavitt

As if starring in weekly meetings on CVTV wasn't enough, Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt will be getting his own show. Don't worry, it's just one episode, to be aired on YouTube. For his […]

Subject of longest meeting? Impact fees

Toward the end of last week's seven-hour Vancouver City Council meeting, councilors questioned if they were participating in a record-long meeting. No, said City Attorney Ted Gathe. The meeting on the […]

Tesoro-Savage mailer fails to impress

Vancouver City Councilor Jack Burkman has lived in his home for 30 years, so he was surprised to see a mailer addressed to "Thomas Crane or current resident." He, along […]

Tesoro employees send form letters

In addition to taking testimony Monday on oil-related resolutions, the Vancouver City Council welcomed people who could not attend to share their thoughts via email. Councilor Jack Burkman, the first councilor […]

Rundown of speakers from Vancouver council meeting

At the start of Monday's public hearing on oil terminal-related resolutions, Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt told speakers they'd have three minutes each and they only had to state their names, not addresses, […]

Burgerville Bart takes act on the road

I was surprised early Tuesday when the Vancouver City Council actually went ahead and voted on the resolution opposing the Tesoro-Savage oil-handling facility. Based on what I'd heard from Vancouver Mayor Tim […]

His name was Lola …

On May 31 there was a Glamorous Gams fundraising event for The Children's Center, a low-income mental health clinic. We've posted photos from a prior Glamorous Gams, so we thought we'd […]

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