strength training

Build Your Bones

Bone density decreases at a rate of 1% per year after the age of 35 and bones can become brittle, porous and weak. For a woman, the first 5 to […]

Options When You Can’t Do Lunges & Squats

Most diehard gym enthusiasts resort to lunges and squats to train their lower body. However, many new exercisers may find these exercises too challenging and may even experience knee pain […]

Standing Core

Most people work their core from the floor performing crunches, sit-ups, planks and other variations. The core is extremely important because it’s the foundation for all your movements. When your […]

Quick Bodyweight Workout

Summer months often have us busy with kids, holidays, vacations, camping, and BBQs and many struggle to find the time to get to the gym and maintain their workout routine. […]

Workout Less and Get Better Results!

When you are juggling work, kids, friends, family, social responsibilities, personal tasks and more, it’s easy to understand why a lack of time is the number one reason people don’t […]

Lift Your Hips & Reap the Benefits

The strength of your hips is critical to stabilize your pelvis while walking, running or playing sports. If your hips aren’t strong, your knees and back will suffer. Bridging is […]

Runners Must Strengthen Their Hips

Many people start a running program in January to help achieve their resolutions to get in shape. The unfortunate result is many will soon experience knee pain.  There is an important […]

Is Single-Leg Training Better for Athletes?

Strength and Conditioning coaches argue whether Single-leg Training is superior for athletes compared to Double-Leg Training. During sports that involve running and cycling, you are typically driving with one leg […]

ROCK Your Workouts

No matter if you are camping, hiking, at the beach or just in your backyard, you can give yourself an incredible muscle conditioning workout with just rocks! If you can’t […]

Designing Your Weekly Workout Routine

To assure your program is balanced, you should have a workout plan that helps organize your time to assure you’re hitting all key fitness components. So, grab a sheet of […]

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