Sherri McMillan

Crazy Fitness Things To Be Thankful For…

It’s the season of Thanksgiving and Holidays when we often take time to reflect on the people and things we are thankful for.  I thought I’d take this from a […]

Get Hot To Deal With The Cold!

Over the last few weeks, we have discussed methods for overcoming the Winter Blues that many people experience at this time of year. We talked about the most effective forms […]

Sleep Your Way Skinny!

Last week, we discussed ways to overcome the Winter Blues that many people experience at this time of year. It’s pretty clear that maintaining a fitness routine throughout the dark, […]

Overcoming the Winter Blues with Fitness

In the summer, it’s easier to get outside to cycle, run, walk, or hike but as the weather gets a little colder and the nights a little darker, people spend […]

Healthy Halloween

Halloween launches the holiday weight gain season but it doesn’t have to be that way.  You CAN have a healthy Halloween! It’s easy to be tempted by candy, treats, parties, […]

Running Program Week 11

It’s Race Day – Steps Leading Up to Your Race If you’ve followed along with this running program series, you’ve learned about proper running progression, correct running technique, important strengthening exercises […]

Running Program Week 10

Foam Rolling to Release Muscle Aches and Pains Over the last two months, I’ve focused this column on running programs. Well, the running community is probably a little stiff right now […]

Running Program Week 9

During the last 2 months, we’ve discussed general running guidelines to help you design a running program to prepare you for the local, popular runs including the Girlfriends Run for […]

Running Program Week 8

During the last 7 columns we’ve discussed general running guidelines to help you design a program to prepare you for the local, popular runs, the Portland Marathon and the Girlfriends Run […]

Running Program Week 7

During the last 6 columns we’ve discussed general running guidelines to help you design a program to prepare you for the local, popular runs, the Portland Marathon and the Girlfriends Run […]

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