Sherri McMillan

Burn The Turkey!

It’s estimated that the average American will consume 5000+ calories on Thanksgiving Day.  Most people enjoy a bigger than usual breakfast, Thanksgiving meal and we can’t forget the left-overs later […]

Managing Menopause

We recently hosted a Fitness & Training Conference at the Multnomah Athletic Club in Portland OR and flew in an international presenter, Hayley Hollander, from Chicago, IL.  She spoke on […]

Avoiding Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

As we venture into the cold, dark and rainy season, it’s important to understand that this lack of sunlight often causes many to experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or the […]

Your Feet Are Your Foundation To All Movements

We recently had Michael Baer from ReBound speak to our clients about the importance of the health of your feet. Your feet are the foundation to all of your movements. […]

Halloween Trick or Treat & Move Your Feet!

I was shopping at Target this weekend and my son was begging me to buy Halloween candy. One thing I’ve learned over the years, in this case, is that procrastination […]

Tight For Time But Still Want Results?

One thing we’ve heard from many clients is how busy they are.  There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in a day to get everything done!  Fortunately, that’s exactly […]

Exercise Makes You SMARTER and Improves Your BRAIN HEALTH!

It’s pretty obvious that exercising regularly will improve your physical health including your cardiovascular health, muscular strength and endurance, body composition, bone density, blood pressure, lipid levels and more. But many […]

YES! You Absolutely Need to WARM UP!

We just came off the Olympics in Rio. Think about our 100m athletes. How long do you think they warm-up before a race that lasts only 10 seconds? Can you […]

Why Training Your Muscles is Absolutely Critical!

As we get older, we tend to lose muscle – approximately 7 pounds of lean tissue per decade with this loss accelerating after the age of 40. As a result, […]

Get Outdoors & Fall Into Fitness

September and October often tend to be the best months to explore the outdoors here in the Northwest. It tends to not be too hot, or too cold, the rainy […]

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