Sherri McMillan

Spring Training – Strengthening Your Knees

Spring is here and many people are increasing their outdoor activities, running and sports. Spring and summer season soccer, lacrosse, track, and various other sports have begun. All athletes – […]

Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That

Between work, family and social commitments, time is definitely tight and the number one reason people say they don’t exercise is because they just don’t have the time. The good news […]

Headaches, Shoulder and Neck Pain

Since many of us spend so much more time hunched over our laptops, Ipads and cell phones, it’s easy to understand why so many people experience headaches, neck and shoulder […]

Your Hatred For Burpees Is Justified!

Very few people like Burpees. They’re hard, they hurt and they often feel awkward. The reality is that the majority of people can’t perform a burpee well and may be doing […]

Bridge Your Way To Strong Hips

If your hips aren’t strong enough to stabilize your pelvis while walking, running or playing sports, your knees and back will suffer. Strong Hips = Strong Knees.  Weak Hips = Weak […]

Plank Your Way To A Strong Core

One of my favorite exercises to condition the core is a plank. Here’s why: You can plank anywhere. Plank at the gym, at home, at work, on vacation, in your hotel room, […]

Sugar Cleanse

Many health professionals and nutritionists believe that added sugar is the single most harmful ingredient in our diet. Sugar addiction is no joke and affects the brain in a similar […]

Dance Your Way To Fit

I’ve started taking a Zumba class weekly and it reminded me of the benefits of dancing that I wanted to share with all of you. Dancing Is Fun! Most people don’t exercise […]

Low Impact Does Not Mean Low Intensity

With the popularity of HITT (High Intensity Interval Training) which includes many high impact activities like Burpees, Jump Squats. Skipping, Running and various other explosive movements, it may seem like […]

Top Fitness Trends For 2019

The American College of Medicine recently released a report of the Top New Fitness Trends for 2019. Check out the highlights below and maybe you will be inspired to jump […]

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