Month: February 2019

Headaches, Shoulder and Neck Pain

Since many of us spend so much more time hunched over our laptops, Ipads and cell phones, it’s easy to understand why so many people experience headaches, neck and shoulder […]

Your Hatred For Burpees Is Justified!

Very few people like Burpees. They’re hard, they hurt and they often feel awkward. The reality is that the majority of people can’t perform a burpee well and may be doing […]

Bridge Your Way To Strong Hips

If your hips aren’t strong enough to stabilize your pelvis while walking, running or playing sports, your knees and back will suffer. Strong Hips = Strong Knees.  Weak Hips = Weak […]

Plank Your Way To A Strong Core

One of my favorite exercises to condition the core is a plank. Here’s why: You can plank anywhere. Plank at the gym, at home, at work, on vacation, in your hotel room, […]

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