Sherri McMillan

Do You Really Need a Training Program to Garden?

Many consider gardening as a peaceful, meditative activity and rarely consider that they may require a training program to prepare for the activity. If you break gardening down into its […]

Are You Staying Up With The Fitness Trends?

The American College of Sports Medicine surveyed 3000 health and fitness pros to determine the top fitness trends for 2020. If you’re in a rut with your fitness routine, perhaps you […]

Why Are You Eating So Late?

One of the worst habits people can get into is eating late at night. Think about it this way. You’re just going to bed. Why do you need all that […]

Are Carbs Really the Bad Guys?

It seems like everyone is cutting back on carbohydrates making it seem like carbs are not a healthy choice. It’s important to understand the science of nutrition to help you […]

Getting To The Finish Line Of Fitness

"Character is the ability to carry out a good resolution long after the excitement of the moment has passed." -- Cavett Robert It’s been a month since the world set their […]

Choose Your Friends Wisely To Be Healthy

You’ve probably heard that you are the sum of your five closest friends. It is indeed true that you are influenced by the people that you spend your time with […]

CBD 101

You’ve probably seen CBD products everywhere! CBD topical ointments, drinks, skin care and even chapstick, smoothies and pizza! You can buy CBD products at grocery stores, spas, pet stores, coffee […]

50 Days for 50 Years

Soon I’ll be turning 50 years old. I’ve spent over 30 of those years working as a fitness trainer so I feel like there’s no better way to celebrate my […]

Try a NEW Approach to RESOLUTIONS

As we launch into 2020, many of us are resolving to make some major changes in our lives such as starting an exercise program, eating healthier, losing weight, quitting smoking, […]

Fitness Trivia to Motivate

As we approach the New Year, we often to take time to reflect on the highlights of the last year, the people and things we are thankful for and look […]

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