Workouts When You’re Stuck at Home!

We are cooped up and stressed out! What we need now more than ever is exercise to improve our physical strength, mental health, reduce our stress and help develop our immune system. But if you can’t leave the house, what can you do?

Great news is that there are literally hundreds of exercises you can do from home with no equipment. Let your body be your gym. Here’s some examples.

Squats, Lunges & Step-Ups

The best exercises you can do to tone your hips, buns and thighs and work your entire core at the same time and they don’t require any equipment. (Pictured here with weights, but all of these exercises are productive without weights as well.)




Works your back side. This power packed exercise is great for strengthening your hips and thighs and you can get down on your living room floor and do it right now.



Target virtually every muscle in your upper body and core. This power-packed exercise works your arms, chest, shoulders and abs in one easy to do movement. You can do them on your knees or toes or use a wall or bench for an incline to make them easier to perform.




A great exercise for your core. There are many variations and you can do them from your toes or knees, hands or elbows. Perhaps try a set on your bedroom floor before bed.


Remember that walking is one of the best low-impact activities that you can do anywhere, with no equipment while getting some fresh air and vitamin D.

Streaming Videos

Peloton and Beach Body are in a great position to offer excellent programming for anyone looking for fitness workouts from home. As a result of the recent mandated fitness facility closures, we also just launched our NWPT Online Virtual Class option with Muscle, Cardio, Barre, Yoga, Core Conditioning, KickBoxing, Mobility and more. You can participate in a different LIVE class 5x/day with one of our world-class, award-winning trainers or watch the saved classes at a time that is convenient for you. It’s a great way to stay connected during these challenging times! More info at or or give us a call at 360.574.7292 (Leave a message and we’ll get back to you asap)

Be active every day. You’ll feel so much better! Stay strong and healthy!

Note: As an avid Columbian reader, you can redeem a 2 week pass at her world-class training studio to help get you started.  Contact 360.574.7292 for more details.

Yours in health & fitness,
Sherri McMillan


Sherri McMillan

Sherri McMillan

Sherri McMillan, holds a master's degree in exercise physiology and has been inspiring the world to adopt a fitness lifestyle for more than 33 years. She has received numerous industry awards including 2010 CanFitPro International Presenter of the Year, 2006 IDEA Fitness Director of the Year, 1998 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year, 1998 CanFitPro Fitness Presenter of the Year and 2005/2006 ACE Fitness Educator of the Year - Runner up. She is a fitness trainer, fitness columnist for various magazines and newspapers, author of five books and manuals including "Go For Fit - the Winning Way to Fat Loss" and "Fit over Forty" and the featured presenter in various fitness DVDs. She has presented hundreds of workshops to thousands of fitness leaders throughout Canada, Australia, Mexico, Jamaica, New Zealand, Germany, England, Spain, South America, Asia and the U.S. She is the owner of Northwest Personal Training in downtown Vancouver, the founder of WHY Racing Events & WHY Community, participates in various community fundraisers and can be found running, biking, or hiking around the community. Find more information at

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