Sherri McMillan
Chair Exercise
With so many of us working from home in less-than-ideal ergonomics and many feeling a sense of stress and anxiety due to Covid-19, a quick and easy movement routine that […]
Pump Your Muscles and Heart with Outdoor Workouts
Since the risk for exposure to Covid-19 is lower outdoors, many people are opting for outdoor workouts. Fortunately, the weather is cooperating making exercising outside more enjoyable. Here is a workout […]
Booty Blast
Many of us have been resorting to at-home workouts during COVID-19, and the good news is that there are literally hundreds of exercises that you can do from home with […]
Are Masks Safe During Exercise?
Since both Governor Inslee and Governor Brown have mandated masks to be worn in all indoor, public locations to help stop the spread of Covid-19, many are concerned with whether […]
Weight Loss After The Quarantine
It is understandable if you gained some weight during the Stay-at-Home order. We were stressed and there wasn’t much to do. This caused many of us to binge on TV […]
Getting Back to Workouts
When gyms closed due to COVID-19, many exercise enthusiasts got out of their normal workout routine. Now that gyms are reopening, many people are struggling to get back at it. First, […]
Are You Ready For Your Gym To Reopen?
As Clark County gets close to transitioning to Phase 2, many smaller, boutique-styles fitness and training facilities are preparing to reopen. Larger fitness facilities will be allowed to open when […]
Get Outside For Your Health
No school, people are working from home and we can’t actually go anywhere and do anything. Everything is virtual and many are opting to place all their orders online and […]
“Working From Home” Aches and Pains
If you are a business professional, but your industry has been categorized as non-essential, you’ve probably found yourself working from home. If you are like most people, your new working […]
Our Kids Are Struggling Through COVID-19
Although most kids probably love that they get to sleep in, many are really struggling right now. They are missing their friends, teachers and social life. Many are struggling with […]