Sherri McMillan

Copy and Paste for Fitness & Health

Sticking to a health, fitness and nutrition program is challenging, but it may be easier than you think. Researchers Katy Milkman and Angela Duckworth, authors of Grit: The Power of […]

Tackle Nutrition Confusion

Let’s face it, nutrition is confusing.  Some experts advocate for the scientifically proven benefits of a strict vegan diet, others commit to different levels of vegetarianism, some promote the importance of […]

Hip Mobility for Health

Weak hips are associated with back and knee issues. If your hips aren’t strong and effectively able to stabilize your pelvis while walking, running or playing sports, your knees and […]

Shadow Boxing for Health

Boxing gyms focused on fitness versus getting in the ring are popping up across the country. Boxing provides numerous benefits including cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance, agility, stress relief […]

Build Your Bones

Bone density decreases at a rate of 1% per year after the age of 35 and bones can become brittle, porous and weak. For a woman, the first 5 to […]

Stretch to Move Better

As we get older, we tend to get tighter. Our connective tissue becomes more rigid and that affects our mobility and can increase aches and pains throughout our body. Many […]

Options When You Can’t Do Lunges & Squats

Most diehard gym enthusiasts resort to lunges and squats to train their lower body. However, many new exercisers may find these exercises too challenging and may even experience knee pain […]

Standing Core

Most people work their core from the floor performing crunches, sit-ups, planks and other variations. The core is extremely important because it’s the foundation for all your movements. When your […]

5-Minute Gentle Morning Routine

After sleeping all night, it’s a great idea to start your day with some gentle range of motion exercises/stretches to get your blood flowing, wake up your muscles, lubricate your […]

Move Everyday

There’s value to doing something active every single day. That doesn’t mean that you need to push yourself or head to the gym every day and that you shouldn’t have […]

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