Multi-Tasking Workouts

There are many fitness components, and it can be challenging to address them all in your programming.
It can be difficult to carve out enough time for a proper warmup, adequate cardio conditioning, strength training, postural exercises, balance training, mobility, and flexibility.
How do we fit it all in? Not to mention that most people are very busy and want results in the shortest period of time.
Full Body, multi-muscle, multi-joint, compound, integrated exercises are the key to fitting it all in.
Incorporating exercises that combine lower body, upper body, trunk musculature, balance training, and lengthening while you strengthen all into one exercise accomplish significantly more training in the same amount of time.
Multi-tasking your workouts is an effective form of training both from a time efficiency and a functional perspective. Keep in mind, however, that it may take you a while before you can work up to this type of training. First, you have to learn how to execute each individual movement correctly and then you can start combining movements.
Multi-Tasking Workouts:
Combine lunges with an overhead press
Squats with rows
Bench step-ups with bicep curls.
Try balancing on one leg when performing any upper body movement or lying over a stability ball when performing chest presses.
When designing your program, analyze how you can take any exercise skill to the next level by combining two or three movements into one complex, compound movement. Not only will you be more efficient with your time, but you will also be training your body in a way that mimics real-life movements.
Some Full Body Movements:
1 Leg Balance & Row
Position yourself in front of a pulley system holding the handles and using an appropriate weight.
Start by standing on one leg and hinging forward at the hips maintaining a long spine while the opposite leg lengthens and reaches behind you.
Keep your back and both legs extended.
Slowly stand back to the starting position while rowing the handles into your torso.
Complete 8-12 reps each side.
Stability Ball Chest Press
Instead of using a bench for your chest press, lay over a stability ball instead.
This will incorporate your core including your abs, back and hips while still targeting your chest, shoulders and triceps.
Squat & Press
A squat and overhead press are both very effective and popular strength exercises.
Try combining them into one powerful movement by squatting and then pressing the weights overhead as you stand up and return to the starting position.
Yours in health & fitness,
Sherri McMillan