
CDC: Adults need more zzz’s

More than a third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, according to a new study. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study documented self-reported […]

The true cost of smoking

A pack-a-day smoking habit will end up costing Washington residents quite a bit more than those living in other parts of the country, according to a new report. A Washington smoker […]

Nearly 10 percent of Americans use marijuana

Marijuana use among adults has doubled in the last decade, with 9.5 percent of American adults now reportedly using the drug. Marijuana use increased from 4.1 percent in 2001-02 to 9.5 […]

Find your personal calorie number

Ever wonder how many calories you should be eating in order to maintain your weight or drop a few pounds? The folks at the National Institutes of Health have you covered. […]

Most adults favor raising smoking age

The majority of smokers and nonsmokers in a recent survey agree: the smoking age should be raised. According to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention article, 75 percent of American […]

Dentists: Men, brush your teeth (and floss)

Fewer than 50 percent of men brush their teeth twice a day, according to Delta Dental of Washington. Men are also less likely to seek preventive care from a dentist until […]

Insured but can’t afford medical care

Twenty-five percent of adults who purchased health plans last year went without needed medical care because they couldn’t afford it. A report released Thursday by Families USA revealed that those who […]

Study: Cigarette warning labels with pictures more effective

It’s not enough to tell young adults about the dangers of smoking; they need to see the damaging effects of smoking, as well. A new study by a Washington State University […]

“Exploding heads” more common than once thought

Exploding heads don’t only occur in Saturday morning cartoons. In fact, the syndrome may even be more common, particularly among young people, than previously thought. Washington State University researchers found an unexpectedly […]

Diabetes costs the state billions each year

As the number of people with diabetes increases, so does the financial impact of the disease to the state. Diabetes in Washington led to direct medical costs of $3.75 billion in […]

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