
The Facebook disease

Well, it’s official: Facebook-ing is a disease. Researchers at Princeton University used epidemiological models – the methods used to study the rapid spread of disease – to investigate Facebook usage. Their conclusion? […]

Health hazards of sitting

Apparently, I'm ruining my body by sitting at my desk typing this very post. According to experts cited by The Washington Post, sitting for nearly eight hours per day (which is […]

Best (and worst) Diets

While Americans seem to love the paleo diet – it was the most Google-searched plan of 2013 – health and nutrition experts don’t have much love for the caveman diet. U.S. […]

Reality TV impacts declining teen birth rate

A new study is crediting the popular MTV reality show “16 and Pregnant” – and the subsequent “Teen Mom” shows – with impacting the declining teen birth rate. The National Bureau […]

Americans love their butter

U.S. butter consumption reached a 40-year high in 2012. But before you cringe, consider the reason why: “Consumers are changing their perception of food and looking for healthier alternatives. They’re moving away […]

Plastic surgery for teenage bullying victim

A 15-year-old girl who had been bullied to the point that she quit school and had been home-schooled for three years, underwent plastic surgery to put an end to the […]

Investigating energy shots’ claims

The Oregon Department of Justice is going after the makers of 5-Hour Energy. The department filed legal papers to force the energy shot makers to hand over data that backs its […]

Flush-faced drinkers

You know that guy who gets flush in the face when drinking alcohol? Well, new research suggests that could be a warning sign of future health problems Researchers from South Korea […]

Pregnancy and peanuts

Turns out, peanuts may not be as bad for pregnant women as once thought. A study released today shows an association between pregnant women who ate peanuts and tree nuts and […]

Vaping Santa

I know Santa isn’t always heralded as the picture of perfect health, but smoking – excuse me – “vaping?” That’s just not very Santa-like. The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids seems to […]

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