Corks and Forks

On Walden Pond

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to put to rout all that […]

Happy Hallowine!

  We went to a Halloween party the other night and I brought Poizin with me which was not as shocking as my husband’s co-worker answering the door in a very […]

Home made applesauce

My husband and I were driving around the countryside a few weeks ago and happened upon a lady selling apples for 75 cents/pound! They were huge, crisp, juicy, local apples […]

New hiking boots!

I went to the REI garage sale over the weekend and scored myself some new hiking boots! We were having dinner with friends Friday night and debating on whether I […]

2011 J. Lohr Estates Paso Robles Cabernet Sauvignon

When a U.S. wine is labeled with a varietal, that does not necessarily mean it is 100 percent that grape. In fact, it’s quite common to see a wine labeled […]

Sailing fantasy

When I was in high school (I think it was my junior year), my dad and I took sailing lessons together. It was a blast, not just because it was […]

A drink on Who Song’s deck…anybody?

The first of this month my husband and I went to St Augustine, Florida for the fourth time. The weather was incredible which should go without saying since it’s Florida. […]

Introduction to Mixed Bag

Back in May I started writing a blog for The Columbian entitled Corks and Forks; a blog about healthier food paired with wine. While I love food and I love […]

Lentils, Rice and Chickpeas Recipe

My husband joined a gym a couple weeks ago, came home the other night and said “I need protein. I’m working out.” Ugghh, the dreaded 'I need protein' crutch that […]

Bean, Couscous and Kale Medley

I’m still on my ‘clean out the pantry’ kick. With the recipe we made last night, we’ve used up some dried beans and most of our couscous. My goal in […]

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