Author: Viki

Italy 2006 wrap up. Caution…it’s long!

I left off in Rome clear back on March 19 and then life became hectic and it seemed overwhelming to continue the retelling of our first Europe visit. But today is […]

A full day in Rome

  Walking around the Roman Forum was a surreal experience. Part jet lag and part culture shock, I just kept thinking “I can not believe we’re really in Italy.” I learned […]

Travel is my passion. Recapping our Italy 2006 adventure.

All this talk about Simple Living, minimalism and saving money in general might have you asking ‘What does this woman spend money on?’ My passion is travel. We’d been to […]

Black Bean-Kale soup

Several nights ago I wanted to make a soup with the bunch of kale I had but the only recipe I had called for white beans, which I did not […]

Nicholas Restaurant is cravable

Okay, I had to go to Nicholas Restaurant because of our recent Middle Eastern restaurant experience that I wrote about a couple weeks ago. I love Nicholas. Their original location is […]

Like salmon swimming upstream

On Friday I was talking with a friend of mine and she said something that resonated with me so strongly. Paraphrasing “I’d rather be a minimalist or live simply or […]

Jerusalem Cafe would be a wonderful lunch spot

I realize the Jerusalem Café has been in downtown Vancouver since 1996 but we just went last night…a little slow, I know. Frankly I’m a HUGE fan of Nicholas in […]

2011 Gascon Malbec is a food-pairing pleaser

While Malbec is not a varietal that originates in Argentina, it is this country that has done a wonderful job of bringing the grape into its own where France has […]

Rusty Grape Vineyard’s Recession Red

I am a huge fan of Rusty Grape Vineyards. We stopped in for the first time about a month after they opened and, though we don’t go up as often […]

Is dependency the new definition of success?

Okay, weights have been lifted, dogs are walked and toweled off (in this weather, it took awhile) and I need to write. I haven’t posted for days. Our new morning walk […]

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