Month: May 2013

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then Norman Rockwell said it best:

  An optional Saturday Evening Post headline might read: At the vets’ with a sick dog. A week after surgery, worried sick about your best friend. Biopsy results.   That kid’s face says it all. That kid is me. Sometimes, we humans find it hard to speak. Maybe that’s another thing dogs and humans have […]

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An apple a day keeps the doctor away!

The Pacific Northwest provides some of the best nutrition the world can offer. If you’ve been here more than ten minutes, you’ve seen that first hand; and no, an airport layover doesn’t count! Everybody likes apples. Heck even the wicked witch of the west likes em’! So we all eat them daily too, right? Wait, […]

What does the northwest have to offer?

You are about to find out.. We’re going to provide you with some of the best kept secrets and nutritional facts to transform your current diet into a healthy eating lifestyle. What’s the difference? One is for now and one is forever. We think the forever one makes more sense, don’t you?! All the while, […]

Drink Responsibly this Holiday Weekend

Memorial Day is the national holiday where we as Americans join together to remember and honor those killed while protecting our freedoms. It also marks the beginning of summer and the longed for end of the rainy season. While the weather here in the great Northwest is often not as sunny or warm as we […]

Friends in life, friends in surgery

If you asked best buds Elvis and Dude about their day, they might say it was no big deal.  Dr. Ann Brown, the country vet and Hedy, their favorite vet tech, performed back to back surgeries on the basset boys this morning. One dog watched while the other got stitched and then they swapped positions. […]

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Sand and sea: the original Dog Beach

We flew into San Diego and over the original Dog Beach, the first leash-free beach in America. From the air, you can see huge dog paw prints from sidewalk to sand, surrounded by palm trees. All over those big cement paws, you can see a sea of “ants” –  dogs, dog people surfers and swimmers […]

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There Are No “Accidents”

SPOILER ALERT: This post may be a little jaded to the “plaintiff’s attorney” side of me. But, if you hear me out, I believe you (even you defense attorneys out there) will get my point, and maybe even agree with it. Too often the public refers to car crashes as “accidents.” Feel free to disagree with […]

Hello world!

Welcome to Columbian Blogs. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! John HillJohn is the web editor at The Columbian, where he has worked since 1995 in various roles. A journalist for the past 25 years, he’s a fan of good storytelling, data, graphics and still likes to read an […]

The post Hello world! appeared first on To the Full.

I am a carry-on bag dog

As per doxie Doodle: Here we are, at PDX. Dogs are few and far between but the people watching is interesting.  I’m Doodle, a Vancouver mini surf doxie. I’m a little over a year old (in human years.) I grew up as a pound pup but then I rescued a family of surfers. One of those surfers is  […]

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Do I Really Need to Share the Road with “Them”?

e have all seen more motorcycles and bicycles on our roadways recently–blame it on the sun. During the past two weeks three motorcyclists injured in crashes caused by other drivers retained our firm to represent them. Unfortunately, if history is any indication of the future, these clients are only the tip of the iceberg of injured […]

“Make Safe” Enters the World of the Blog

Something you should know.  I’m a personal injury attorney practicing in Vancouver, Washington.  If you were not completely put off by this, you should know that I’m also a husband to my amazing wife, Melissa, and a proud father to our three children.  Together, Melissa and I have chosen to make Vancouver our home as […]

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