David Madore

C-Tran board gets “reflective”

Reflective (adj.): 1. causing light, sound, or heat to move away; reflecting light, sound or heat 2. relating to or caused by light that reflects off a surface 3. thinking carefully about something Reflect […]

The fists are up in general campaign

This campaign is getting ugly. Republican Councilor David Madore early Friday morning posted on his Facebook — a wealth of information, as always — attacking Marc Boldt, no party preference, for […]

So where did Clark County’s tax bank come from?

Ask Councilor Jeanne Stewart, and she’ll tell you raising Clark County’s property tax levy beyond the allowed 1 percent would be “crazy,” or “political suicide.” But if you’ve been following my […]

Double standards on teamwork for Clark County council

Next week’s Clark County council, Board of Health and board time meetings have all been cancelled due to lack of a quorum. Both Councilors David Madore and Tom Mielke are […]

So what would it take to run a write-in campaign?

I’ve been asked a few times about whether a write-in candidate will emerge in the race for Clark County chair, and the rumors are certainly flying. The truth is I […]

Many minutes spent on meeting minutes

So what’s the Clark County council’s deal with approving meeting minutes? They’re usually the most mundane and quickly approved part of any public meeting, at least in my previous experience. But […]

Madore’s verbal attack on Columbian reporter

http://www.cvtv.org/iframe.php?eID=5215&start=10689&stop=11175 Here is Councilor David Madore’s verbal attack at me during Tuesday’s Clark County Council meeting, where the council was discussing ratifying clean water fees. I received a lot of messages […]

No incumbent in first-time race

In case it wasn’t clear before, the Clark County council chair we're all voting for is a new position. Yes, there is a current chair. Yes, the chair leads meetings. […]

Déjà vu all over again with Madore’s endorsements

Update: I checked Councilor David Madore's endorsement page shortly after 10 p.m. Tuesday. All individuals mentioned below have been removed. I’m not entirely sure how Councilor David Madore is choosing to list […]

Environmental Services will see a new face

Remember a few weeks ago when I wrote about the new code enforcement officer for quarries falling to the Department of Environmental Services? Turns out it will be in DES. Last we […]

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