CRC “thank-you” resolution likely won’t be introduced

For those who may have seen this Facebook post by State. Rep Liz Pike …
and wondered what resolution she was talking about, I’ve posted a link to it below. I don’t believe the resolution will actually be brought to a vote, however. Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt sent an email Friday to councilors with a draft resolution, and hasn’t heard enough support to merit putting it on an agenda.
From: Leavitt, Tim
Sent: Friday, August 08, 2014 9:06 AM
To:; Burkman Jack; Hansen, Bart; Turlay, Bill; McEnerny-Ogle, Anne; Topper, Alishia
Subject: CRC Thank You Resolution
Good Morning Council,
Attached please find a copy of a proposed resolution regarding the CRC, brought forward by Bob
Schaefer. After an initial meeting with Bob, and then subsequent conversation, I asked him to make contact with council members to present this document and ask for your input.
Bob has indicated to me that each councilmember he has spoken with and presented this document to is supportive.
If this is the case, please respond back to me (no need to REPLY ALL) that you are interested in placing this resolution on an upcoming agenda for discussion and action.
Timothy D. Leavitt| Mayor
From APIL’s perspective, it’s too bad if the resolution doesn’t go to a vote. It’s not just a “thank you” resolution. It’s a passive aggressive way of showing Clark County Commissioner David Madore and the Madoristas that the Columbia River Crossing wasn’t, as Madore calls it, a “top-down” project, as it lists every group involved in the years-long megaproject and all of the CRC supporters. Including city of Vancouver voters, judging by this paragraph:
“WHEREAS, in November 2013 Vancouver voters re-elected Mayor Tim Leavitt and Councilman Jack Burkman, and elected Councilwoman Alishia Topper and Councilwoman Anne McEnerny-Ogle, selecting them over candidates, including one longtime incumbent, who had declared their opposition to the CRC,”
Obviously, we here at APIL encourage passive-aggressive resolutions, such as when Madore and Tom Mielke trolled the city council by passing a resolution defining “integrity” and then mailed it to 341 people, as if they cared. I mean, if public officials focused on setting policies that moved the community forward – what would we have to blog about?
By the way, we all know what Leavitt did with his copy of the integrity resolution.
As promised, here’s a link to the 22-page draft resolution.