Author: Stephanie Rice

Vancouver union leader: Morale at all-time low

As reported, Vancouver city officials have been researching whether they pay their employees enough money. They did a study and (surprise!) found in many cases, they don't, at least according to compensation […]

Vancouver City Council says “yes” more than “no”

If you want to criticize the Vancouver City Council, please be specific. Or else you're just trolling Councilor Jack Burkman, and he's going to take the bait. (Which in turn provides […]

Too close for comfort — at least in fireworks season?

In today's paper, I have a story about updated population estimates from the state's Office of Financial Management. The OFM provided some interesting maps with its news release. Here's a map […]

History of Leavitt’s streetcar desire

Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt told me the streetcar idea isn't new, and said I probably didn't know about the study done "a few years back." Fair enough. I wasn't covering […]

Turlay’s fact-finding mission to Vegas

Vancouver City Councilor Bill Turlay said he wouldn't vote for a resolution opposing an oil-handling facility at the Port of Vancouver and any other projects that would increase Bakken crude oil […]

Topper questions why traffic warning letters only in English

Vancouver City Councilor Alishia Topper asked City Manager Eric Holmes why the Vancouver Police Department would send a warning letter in English to a couple who aren't fluent in the […]

Leavitt’s desire for a streetcar

Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt would like a downtown streetcar. "Over the years, regarding the Waterfront street grid, I've also advocated for consideration/planning of potential street car in the future. Did that happen?" […]

Here’s why Eric Holmes got a $30,000 raise

As reported, the Vancouver City Council voted unanimously to give City Manager Eric Holmes a 17 percent raise on Monday, boosting his annual salary to $199,000. In the story, I mentioned most of the […]

Gathe’s countdown

As previously announced, Vancouver City Attorney Ted Gathe will retire July 31. He's been the city's top legal advice-giver since 1994, when he was promoted to replace the late Jerry […]

Balance Vancouver’s budget without raising property taxes

Now, keep in mind this is a blog. This is where we put funny anecdotes and sock puppet videos and other bits of information that amuse us but don't belong […]

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