Author: Eric Florip

A drive down memory lane

Pop quiz: Anyone recognize this? Ron Onslow does. That's an old token for the Interstate 5 Bridge (back when it was called the Vancouver-Portland Toll Bridge), and the Ridgefield mayor was […]

Playing politics at C-Tran

When the official minutes of this week's C-Tran board meeting are finalized, you'll see this phrase: "Tom Mielke motioned, Tim Leavitt seconded, and motion carried..." A new political alliance? Well, probably not. Understand, […]

C-Tran workshop yields … another workshop

As a reporter, it's a little disheartening when you can sum up the results of a seven-hour meeting you just sat through with three words. To be continued. Turns out, the C-Tran […]

Can’t we all just get along?

And now, an inspirational message from local dudes Jim Mains and Gary Bock of The Vancouver Side. Enjoy:   […]

Blast from the past

When a group of anti-light rail petitioners trekked to Kelso this week, it's a safe bet that no one was wearing one of these: You may recognize that button -- if […]

What’s in a mission statement?

It's displayed on the wall during every board meeting at C-Tran headquarters. Most of the time, it goes unmentioned. We give you, C-Tran's mission statement: "Provide safe, reliable, efficient mobility choices." Seems […]

Public relations 101

As reporters, we get press releases all the time. They come from all over the place, whether we want them or not. And we know we can't always take them […]

Marc Boldt’s parting gift from C-Tran

Tuesday marked the final C-Tran board meeting of 2012, and the final meeting for Clark County Commissioner Marc Boldt as a board member. But Boldt, who was defeated in the November […]

Breaking down the C-Tran tax vote

Remember all that subdistrict-or-no-subdistrict talk earlier this year? It may not have mattered. Turns out, most of the Vancouver urban area said no to C-Tran's sales tax increase in November anyway. […]

C-Tran riders not "Stoopid"

Apparently, Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt wasn't just speaking for himself when he said this at Tuesday's C-Tran board meeting: "Who in the world are 311 and Slightly Stoopid?" The two reggae-flavored bands […]

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