Blast from the past

When a group of anti-light rail petitioners trekked to Kelso this week, it’s a safe bet that no one was wearing one of these:
You may recognize that button — if you’ve lived in Clark County for a while. We’re pretty sure it’s a relic of a 1995 special election, in which local voters shot down a proposal to extend a light rail line from Portland up to Hazel Dell. Apparently the button still belongs to the mother-in-law of a Columbian employee, who happened upon it recently.
Light rail landed on the ballot again last year, in the form of a sales tax increase to help pay for maintenance and operations of a new extension planned as part of the Columbia River Crossing. I don’t remember seeing any campaign buttons before that election, when voters again said no. But CRC supporters have been known to sport these once in a while:
Are there any anti-CRC buttons out there? Sorry, a giant “JOBS” pin doesn’t count. Nor does a Columbia River Tunnel Permit.
Maybe some kind of poster could work instead…