Author: Staff

Going after the Sheriff's 'stache

Last year, when deputies from the Clark County Sheriff's Office raised money for the American Cancer Society by growing mustaches, Sheriff Garry Lucas instead said it would take money for […]

Going after the Sheriff’s ‘stache

Last year, when deputies from the Clark County Sheriff's Office raised money for the American Cancer Society by growing mustaches, Sheriff Garry Lucas instead said it would take money for […]

BG police chief solves studs mystery

Battle Ground’s new police chief, Bob Richardson, was sworn into office in January. Richardson hails from Irvine, Calif., where he worked in the city’s police department for more than 30 years. […]

Of mayoral duties and Big Macs

We've had an editor (ahem, Lou Brancaccio), who has opined before on the topic of "It's not just about the politician, but the company that they keep." Well, count Vancouver Mayor […]

It's T-shirt time!

On "Jersey Shore," -- not that the meeting mavens watch that trash -- the call to male housemates, "It's T-shirt time," means it's time to put on your finest clubbin' […]

It’s T-shirt time!

On "Jersey Shore," -- not that the meeting mavens watch that trash -- the call to male housemates, "It's T-shirt time," means it's time to put on your finest clubbin' […]

Clark County residents like their SUVs

City and county elected officials, planners, engineers and other employees joined Commissioner Marc Boldt for breakfast and a discussion Friday morning. The reason for the 7:30 a.m. chow and chat was […]

Golik sends trapper on his way

Awhile ago, the meeting mavens were comparing the lapel flair favored by our local elected officials and asked: Which pin is better? The Clark County pin, which features a trapper paddling […]

Tim in a tank top

Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt delivered his second State of the City address Wednesday. Part of the nearly hour-long speech included a video of five "Hometown Heroes" - folks that have […]

Rockin out with Larry Smith and Jeanne Stewart

They convene meetings. They draft policy. They wage political battles. And yes, they also have real lives. To wit: I was chatting with Vancouver Councilor Larry Smith recently, and he brought […]

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