fat loss

Fine Tuning Your Cardio Workouts to Maximize Fat Loss

In order to maximize caloric expenditure, we need to maximize the amount of oxygen we are consuming during cardio workouts. We utilize more oxygen when we involve more muscle mass. […]

Fat AND Fit

Are you carrying a lot of extra body fat? Although our society as a whole tends to fat-shame, the good news is some evidence suggests that fitness is more important […]

Take Advantage of RESULTS MOMENTUM!

The number one reason clients consult with us is to help them manage their weight. Americans are getting unhealthier each year. Health-related disease such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disorders, and […]

Makeover Challenge

Every year, we host a Spring Makeover Challenge for our clients to help them shed that winter layer and get in great shape for summer. Each year, I like to […]

Spring Into Summer Fitness!

Spring is here and summer is just around the corner. This time of year always seems to motivate people to start taking better care of their health. We start to […]

Struggling to Lose Weight and Keep It Off?

We always have clients that come to us and say that they have been struggling to lose weight and keep it off for a long long time. It doesn't have to […]

Is Working Out Making You Hungrier?!

Some fitness enthusiasts complain that the more they workout, the hungrier they are and the more they eat counteracting the calories burned during their exercise sessions! A 30 minute workout […]

Crazy Fitness Things To Be Thankful For…

It’s the season of Thanksgiving and Holidays when we often take time to reflect on the people and things we are thankful for.  I thought I’d take this from a […]

Spring Makeover Challenge – Week 6

Our annual 6 week Spring Makeover Challenge allows our clients to participate in a fun, friendly team competition to help them shed that extra winter layer that most of us […]

Spring Makeover Challenge – Week 5

When it comes to your health and fitness goals, there are a lot of different ways to achieve the same results.  At Northwest Personal Training, we host an annual Spring […]

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