
Your Hatred For Burpees Is Justified!

Very few people like Burpees. They’re hard, they hurt and they often feel awkward. The reality is that the majority of people can’t perform a burpee well and may be doing […]

FITmas Gift For Your Fit Friends

You don’t need to stress or worry about what to buy for your friends who are fitness freaks. They are super easy to buy for. Here’s a list of the […]

Exercise Makes You SMARTER and Improves Your BRAIN HEALTH!

It’s pretty obvious that exercising regularly will improve your physical health including your cardiovascular health, muscular strength and endurance, body composition, bone density, blood pressure, lipid levels and more. But many […]

Fall Back Into Fitness, Fall Back Into YOU!

Kids are back to school soon.  Yahoo!  Oops, did I say that out loud?! :) September is a very busy time in the fitness industry, only second to New Year’s Resolutions.  […]

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