Cardio Training

Spring Into Shape for Summer!

The smell of spring is in the air and many of us are now realizing summer is on its way. Long days, outings to the beach, tank tops and sundresses, […]

You Can Tabata Anywhere

We are about 6 weeks post New Year’s Resolutions and if you’re on track with your workouts, great job! But you may be getting a little bored with your routine […]

Changes in Fitness Over The Last 18 Years

We are celebrating our 18th Anniversary at Northwest Personal Training and Drew Carney from the KGW Early Morning Show recently did a segment with us to discuss what has changed […]

‘DO THIS, NOT THAT” Doesn’t Work!

Is High Intensity Training the way to go? Or is Long, Slow Distance Training better? What cardio exercise brings the best results – is it cycling, rowing, running or something […]

Fine Tuning Your Cardio Workouts to Maximize Fat Loss

In order to maximize caloric expenditure, we need to maximize the amount of oxygen we are consuming during cardio workouts. We utilize more oxygen when we involve more muscle mass. […]

Lean in 2016

The holidays are busy and when you’re busy, getting to the gym and staying lean can be a losing battle! Well, here is a winning full body workout that you […]

Camping Workout

It’s the season to camp but it doesn’t have to be the season to slack off on your workouts! Many people decide to take a 2 month sabbatical during the […]

Indoor Cardio Workouts

The weather has been nasty lately leading most of us to retreat into the warmth and comfort of a fitness facility to condition our bodies. But many people waste a […]

Use It Or Lose It

The old adage "use it or lose it" appears to ring true in almost all areas of your general health and fitness. You just can't store the benefits associated with […]

Exercising while Camping or at the Cottage

  Exercising while Camping or at the Cottage It's typical at this time of year to have to deal with fitting in workouts while at the beach or away on holidays. Most […]

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