Sherri McMillan
Kegel Your Way to Better Health
No one talks about it but it’s a problem that many women have to deal with on a day to day basis after child-birth. Urinary incontinence, an inability to control […]
Ways To Prevent ACL Injuries
We are heavy into football, soccer and basketball seasons and the ski season will be here in no time. All athletes – young and old – are susceptible to suffering […]
Fall Back Into Fitness, Fall Back Into YOU!
Kids are back to school soon. Yahoo! Oops, did I say that out loud?! :) September is a very busy time in the fitness industry, only second to New Year’s Resolutions. […]
Sign It – Your Fitness Commitment!
Sign It – Your Fitness Commitment! Here at Northwest Personal Training each new client signs a Fitness & Training Commitment. This signed agreement serves as a reminder of the commitment that […]
How Stress And Lack of Sleep Make You Fat
Have heard how stress and lack of sleep makes you fat? Let's face it, it’s common for people to be running from appointment to appointment, deadline to deadline always feeling behind […]
Be a Fitness Mentor
Yep, you can be a fitness mentor! Are you one of the lucky few fitness fanatics? You have no problem getting up every morning and getting to the gym for your […]
Managing Summer Nutrition
I recently received the following email. You would think that summer would be the easiest time to lose body fat, but I always gain weight every summer. How can I overcome […]
The Limitations of Yoga
The popularity of Yoga exercise has increased dramatically as many celebrities swear of its effectiveness. But the classical techniques of yoga are not just the latest, trendiest workout; they in […]
Stick To Your Workout Routine
Here we are mid-summer and many of you are probably beginning to lose your desire to stick to your workout routine. Many people wonder what happened to the energy and the […]
Starting and Sticking To It!
As a Personal Trainer, I understand that the actual physical fitness program we design for our clients is only a small part of our job. Our most important role is […]