Sherri McMillan
Cycling Strong!
Have you noticed how many people are out on their bikes enjoying our beautiful spring weather?! It’s such a great workout and a wonderful way to get outdoors and explore […]
Running Circuit Workout
Running Circuit Workout....great option! Runners, cyclists, & triathletes love to be outdoors, are a highly motivated group and often have little issues adhering to their running or cycling programs. But trying […]
Reverse The Aging Process
Another Birthday passed and I just turned 45. The good news is besides a few extra wrinkles, a few more aches and pains and having difficulty reading small text, I […]
Hill Workouts For Max Benefit
Walking is a fabulous, low-impact way to stay healthy and fit. But in order to get the same benefit as running, you generally need to go longer. But most people […]
Body Image Blues
As a professional in the fitness industry, I hear too often people who refer negatively to parts of their body.... “My legs are so fat!” “My butt is so big!" “I wish I […]
Nutrition: Let’s Agree On 95%
So what do I mean let's agree on 95% when it comes to nutrition? Well, we had a team meeting recently and had some fabulous discussions about nutrition and I thought […]
Super Busy But Still Fit!
It seems that most people in our society report they are busier than ever and are having a difficult time managing work, family, social, fitness and more. In fact, a […]
Should You Exercise When You’re Sick?!
I am writing this article flying at 30,000 feet on my way to Washington DC for the IDEA Personal Training summit. I woke up yesterday with a very sore throat […]
Drink a Gallon of Water?
Ever wondered why you are always told to drink lots of fluids? Here is a question I received asking if we should really drink a gallon of water per day! "I […]
Eating on The Go
"My life is so busy that I have a hard time eating healthy. Any tips for someone who is trying to eat nutritiously on the go?" P.C. I can appreciate that […]