Sherri McMillan

Yoga Modifications

I really love Yoga but it kills my wrists.  Whenever my instructor brings us into Plank, Downward Dog, Upward Dog or Cobra while everyone else is finding their inner Zen, […]

Summer QuickFix 10 Minute Workouts – Week Seven

This is our last Summer QuickFix 10 minute workout option. But good news – these workouts work in the fall and all year-long too! Whenever you are really busy and […]

Summer QuickFix 10 Minute Workouts – Week Six

Summer is starting to wind down and kids go back to school this week but it’s still super busy as many of us are shopping for school supplies and clothes, […]

Summer QuickFix 10 minute Workouts – Week Five

There are 1440 minutes in a day so the question is, do you value your health enough to give me just 10 of those minutes?! Over the last 4 weeks, I’ve […]

Summer QuickFix 10 Min Workout – Week Four

10 minutes is not even 1% of your day so do you think you could commit to that?!  If your health and fitness is important to you, you will make […]

Summer QuickFix 10 Minute Workouts – Week Three

If your health and fitness is important to you, you can commit to 10 minutes right?! This is your third 10 minute QuickFix workout that you can do with no equipment, […]

Summer QuickFix 10 Minute Workout – Week Two

Here’s your second 10 minute QuickFix workout that you can use this summer when you can’t make it to the gym. I’ve designed each workout so that you can do […]

Summer QuickFix 10 Minute Workouts

Ain’t nobody got time for that! This trendy saying sure does ring true in the summer when people are busy with kids, holidays, vacations, camping, and BBQs and many are […]

Summer Time Exercise Swaps

The reality is that during the summer between kids being out of school, vacations, camping and such, it’s difficult to get to the gym as frequently. But no one likes […]

Summer Fitness Makeover

This time of year always seems to motivate many to start taking better care of their health. The beautiful weather had everyone outdoors walking, hiking, cycling or just playing with […]

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