
Stick To Your Workout Routine

Here we are mid-summer and many of you are probably beginning to lose your desire to stick to your workout routine. Many people wonder what happened to the energy and the […]

Starting and Sticking To It!

As a Personal Trainer, I understand that the actual physical fitness program we design for our clients is only a small part of our job.  Our most important role is […]

Eating Healthy on Your Summer Schedule

Eating healthy on your summer schedule is doable! Summer holidays, kid’s clinics and camps, travel plans, camping, and more!  We can appreciate that summer life can be so busy that it […]

Exercising while Camping or at the Cottage

  Exercising while Camping or at the Cottage It's typical at this time of year to have to deal with fitting in workouts while at the beach or away on holidays. Most […]

Improving Your Body Image

As we get closer and closer to the summer months, more people want to start improving their body image.  Shorts, skirts and tank tops leave little option for covering any […]

Run Faster With Track Workouts

Sue Vorenberg recently wrote an article on all the fun runs we can look forward to all summer long in ClarkCounty. And although most participants are just happy to get to […]

Getting Rid of Stomach Fat

Summer is on the way and so, understandably, we get lots of questions from clients wanting to know the best exercise to get rid of stomach fat so they can […]

Need Some Speed

Need Some Speed! Have you ever noticed that as most people age they begin to move more and more slowly?  It seems to take them forever to get out of a […]

Beautiful Arms on a Budget

Beautiful Arms on a Budget Now that the weather is warmer and we’re wearing a lot less clothing, you may be noticing a little less tone than you’d like in your […]

Best Exercises For Hot Legs

Best Exercises For Your Hot Legs! Going hand in hand with the hotter days of summer are the shorter shorts and minis, and so naturally at this time of year, we […]

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