6-Week Fall Fitness Reset: Embrace Healthier Habits for a Stronger You

As the crisp autumn air settles in, kids go back to school, summer BBQs are over, and camping trips and vacation are complete, it’s the perfect time to refocus on your health and well-being.

Every September, we offer a 6 week Fall Fitness Reset designed to help our clients clean up their nutrition, prioritize movement and establish lasting health habits. We focus on eight habits and will start at the end of September. Follow along with us! After 6 weeks, you’ll be well on your way to a healthier, more energized version of yourself.

8 Healthy Habits

1 – Water Intake: Half Your Ideal Body Weight in Ounces

Proper hydration is crucial for every bodily function, from digestion to cognitive performance. Aim to drink half your ideal body weight in ounces of water each day. This habit ensures that your cells are hydrated, skin stays radiant, and energy levels remain high. Keep a water bottle with you to help make this goal more attainable.

2 – Veggies/Fruit: 5 Servings Per Day

A diet rich in fruits and vegetables provides essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Consuming at least five servings a day supports your immune system, aids digestion, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. Try to include a variety of colors on your plate to ensure you’re getting a wide range of nutrients.

3 – 100 Grams of Protein Per Day

Protein is vital for muscle repair, immune function, and keeping you full longer. Aim for at least 100 grams of protein per day, which can be easily achieved through lean meats, dairy, legumes, and plant-based sources. This habit will support your fitness goals and help maintain muscle mass as you age.

4 – 13-Hour Fasting Window and No Calories 3 Hours Before Bed

Allow 13 hours during which you do not eat or drink any calories. A 13-hour fasting window can help regulate insulin levels, promote fat loss, improve metabolic health and allows your body to rest and rejuvenate overnight, aiding in better digestion and sleep. For example, if you finish dinner by 7 p.m., wait until 8 a.m. to have breakfast. The other caveat to this habit is assuring you don’t eat or drink any calories three hours before bed so if you go to bed at 10, you’ll be done eating by 7pm. Give your body time to digest your last meal before you lay down to sleep.

5 – 5,000 Steps Per Day

Physical activity doesn’t have to be intense to be effective. Aim to walk at least 5,000 steps each day. Regular movement boosts circulation, improves mood, and helps maintain a healthy weight. Consider taking a walk during your lunch break or after dinner to easily reach this goal.

6 – 30 Minutes of Cardio, Strength, Mobility, or Stretching

Incorporating 30 minutes of exercise into your daily routine can enhance cardiovascular health, build strength, and improve flexibility. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a strength training session, or a yoga class, consistency is key. Mix up your activities to keep things interesting and work different muscle groups.

7 – Sleep: 7 Hours in Bed Per Night

Quality sleep is the cornerstone of overall health. Aim to be in bed for at least seven hours each night to allow your body the time to rest, repair, and recharge. Establishing a bedtime routine and limiting screen time before bed can help improve sleep quality and duration.

8 – No Alcohol

Eliminating or minimizing alcohol for six weeks can have profound effects on your health. Alcohol is high in empty calories, disrupts sleep, and impairs recovery. By cutting it out, you’ll likely notice improvements in energy levels, digestion, and body composition.

We use an app to help our clients track their daily habits over the 6 week period. They receive 1 point for each habit they adhere to each day for a maximum of 8 points per day. Over 6 weeks, the maximum points they can accumulate is 336 points per day and it becomes a friendly competition to accumulate as many points as possible. No one is perfect but every point they achieve, helps to establish a habit and works to improve their overall health. Remember, consistency is key and fall is the perfect time to reset and build a solid foundation for your well-being. Embrace the change, and watch as your body and mind thrive.

Yours in health & fitness,
Sherri McMillan

Sherri McMillan

Sherri McMillan

Sherri McMillan, holds a master's degree in exercise physiology and has been inspiring the world to adopt a fitness lifestyle for more than 33 years. She has received numerous industry awards including 2010 CanFitPro International Presenter of the Year, 2006 IDEA Fitness Director of the Year, 1998 IDEA Personal Trainer of the Year, 1998 CanFitPro Fitness Presenter of the Year and 2005/2006 ACE Fitness Educator of the Year - Runner up. She is a fitness trainer, fitness columnist for various magazines and newspapers, author of five books and manuals including "Go For Fit - the Winning Way to Fat Loss" and "Fit over Forty" and the featured presenter in various fitness DVDs. She has presented hundreds of workshops to thousands of fitness leaders throughout Canada, Australia, Mexico, Jamaica, New Zealand, Germany, England, Spain, South America, Asia and the U.S. She is the owner of Northwest Personal Training in downtown Vancouver, the founder of WHY Racing Events & WHY Community, participates in various community fundraisers and can be found running, biking, or hiking around the community. Find more information at nwpersonaltraining.com.

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