Author: Lauren Dake
Senator feels vindicated, but battle still looms
In her attempt to tame the “wild, Wild West” of medical marijuana, Sen. Ann Rivers, R-La Center said she was vilified, received death threats and was depicted in a widely […]
Striking teachers shouldn’t get paid, WA lawmakers says
Teachers across the state are staging one-day walkouts with hopes of increasing the pressure on lawmakers to fully fund education. One lawmaker isn’t feeling the heat. Instead, Sen. Tim Sheldon, a Democrat […]
Who missed the most votes in 2015?
The bulk of Southwest Washington’s lawmakers had perfect voting records in the 2015 regular legislative session, according to, a nonpartisan organization that tallies lawmakers’ voting records. Sen. Don Benton, R-Vancouver, […]
JHB and the party pooh-bahs
Members of the local Clark County Republican party might still be debating how they feel about U.S. Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler, R-Camas, but the Southwest Washington lawmaker continues to get […]
No light rail! Capisce?
Rep. Liz Pike, R-Camas, is working hard to build political alliances to address the Interstate 5 corridor this legislative session. Earlier this month, Southwest Washington lawmakers surprised even themselves when they […]
Pridemore has no interest in auditor spot
In 2012, Craig Pridemore really wanted to be state auditor. The Vancouver Democrat gave up his seat in the state Senate to run for the office. These days, not so much. The current […]
Voters aren’t having it
Washington voters made it clear in November they want lawmakers to reduce class sizes in all grades throughout the state’s public schools. But they weren’t as clear on how to pay […]
Lt. Gov. Jim Moeller?
Lt. Gov. Brad Owen might not run for re-election in 2016, according to KING 5 television. The broadcast news outlet obtained an email showing the state’s longest-serving Lt. Gov. might be […]
Operating and transportation and capital, oh my!
Senate Republicans unveiled their two-year operating budget this week and their key selling point reverberated throughout the state: no new taxes. “It’s a no new taxes budget,” several Republican lawmakers said. Headlines […]
Clark County Commissioner Tom Mielke, a former state representative, wants the “government types” to know they have a “spending problem” and they should think about “the rest of us on […]