Lt. Gov. Jim Moeller?

Lt. Gov. Brad Owen might not run for re-election in 2016, according to KING 5 television.
The broadcast news outlet obtained an email showing the state’s longest-serving Lt. Gov. might be calling it quits when his term is up.
The station reports, “The issue of Owen’s retirement is discussed in an August 6, 2014, email written by Owen’s top aide, Ken Camp. Discussing budget planning for the new biennium, Camp writes, ‘Another decision point the budget analyst mentioned is your retirement.’”
In unrelated news, Rep. Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver, said on Friday afternoon he plans on running again for his spot in the state House of Representatives when his term expires.
Or wait, is that related news?
In November, Moeller started a rumor that he wouldn’t run for re-election in 2016.
Despite starting the rumor, he later denied it was true. I know, stick with me. He later elaborated and said he plans to run, but there are some big “ifs.”
The biggest “if” seemed to be whether Owen planned to stay in the game.
If the Lt. Gov. doesn’t run for re-election, Moeller said he would be interested in a bid for the statewide seat.
“I think, quite honestly, people are looking for openings in the bench, the Democratic bench is deep,” Moeller, who was recently elected to his seventh term in the state House, said at the time.
KING 5 reported Owen’s office denied the Lt. Gov has made a final decision.
Camp wrote in an email to the TV station, “Lt. Governor Owen has not yet determined his plans for 2016. We have no further comment beyond that.”
But stay tuned, the lineup could be changing.
In unrelated news, Rep. Jim Moeller, D-Vancouver, said on Friday afternoon he plans on running again for his spot in the state House of Representatives when his term expires.
Or wait, is that related news?
In November, Moeller started a rumor that he wouldn’t run for re-election in 2016. Moeller currently holds the second most powerful seat in the House, speaker pro tempore.
Moeller said if Owen decided not to run again, he would be open to picking up the statewide seat.
“I think, quite honestly, people are looking for openings in the bench, the Democratic bench is deep,” Moeller, who was recently elected to his seventh term in the state House, said at the time.
KING 5 reported Owen’s office denied the Lt. Gov has made a final decision.
Camp wrote in an email to the TV station, “”Lt. Governor Owen has not yet determined his plans for 2016. We have no further comment beyond that.”
But stay tuned, the lineup could be changing.