Month: July 2013

Simple Guacamole!

My car died coming back from vacation leaving us stranded at ten o’clock at night at the Woodburn Ford Dealer. Well, I live on a great street with great neighbors! […]

Without a doubt, Pesto is one of the greatest sauces out there!

Food snobs of the world will insist that the only pesto is Pesto Genovese – made from the basil and oil produced in the hills around Genoa, Italy.  I’ve had […]

Tomatoes already?

I kind of went crazy at the farmer’s market the other day and bought too many tomatoes. I was anxious to try first really good ones of the year that […]

Always room for herbs

Couple of issues back, Bon Appétit had their cover photo of pasta with a parsley pesto. I was reminded of how tasty  a simple pasta dish is with just one […]

Murder and Gourmet Food?

When I was a kid growing up in Wyoming, long winters encouraged outdoor sports: skiing, ice-skating and snow-camping, but at night, sometimes eschewing homework, I’d read voraciously. One of my favorite […]

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