chicken soup

Instant Pot Creamy Chicken and Wild Rice Soup

Spring has sprung. Here in the beautiful Northwest, the weather is warming, the flowers are blooming, and the sun comes out … sometimes. We know to expect that there will […]

Egg Drop Soup

It started with a sniffle and a little scratchy throat. Before you knew it, you were achy all over and even laying in bed felt like a lot of effort. […]

“One Banana Only” Banana Bread Muffin Tops

February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day, a day set aside to remind and encourage us to do those little things that make this world a better place.   […]

Spicy Thai Coconut Chicken Soup

Hey, you with the cold.  Don’t just sit there with a stuffed-up head, feeling miserable under a pile of blankets.  You need to feel better quick and what you need […]

Instant Pot Chicken and Dumplings

The snow storm, a nasty cold, and a brand new Instant Pot gave me just the nudge I needed to try a fast, easy way to make Chicken and Dumplings.  […]

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