
Washington mid-pack with teen pregnancy rates

Washington’s teen pregnancy rate ranks No. 33 in the country. In Washington, there were 49 births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 19, according to the “American Teens’ Sexual and Reproductive […]

Depression top illness among teens

Depression is the leading cause of illness and disability among boys and girls ages 10 to 19 – higher than traffic injuries, anemia, asthma and self-harm. The World Health Organization’s recently […]

Magazine declines bikini weight-loss photo

A 28-year-old Illinois woman and healthy lifestyle blogger is making headlines after Shape magazine contacted her for a success story profile. The magazine wanted to highlight Brooke Birmingham’s 172-pound weight loss […]

New teen trend: “Beezin”

Teens have come up with a new trend to add to the list of crazy ideas like swallowing spoonfuls of cinnamon and snorting crushes Smarties. The latest: “Beezin.” That’s when kids take […]

Bigger horses needed to carry bigger Americans

Wranglers in the West are adding bigger horses to their stables in order to carry heavier tourists. Ranches are now using draft horses for overweight riders, according to an Associated Press […]

Sneezes travel farther than you think

Dude, cover that multiphase turbulent buoyant cloud. A new study by MIT researchers shows that sneezes and coughs have associated gas clouds that keep their droplets floating over greater distances than […]

Cost of childhood obesity

Childhood obesity is a costly issue in the U.S. New research estimates the price tag is about $19,000 per child. Researchers from Duke Global Health Institute and Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School […]

Cereal box psychology

Have you ever noticed the downward gaze of the Trix cereal rabbit? Turns out, the positioning of that silly rabbit’s eyes is intentional. Cornell Food and Brand Lab Researchers looked at cereals […]

Report: Autism starts in the womb

Researchers this week published a new report that indicates autism starts in the womb. Researchers examined brain tissue from children who died and had autism. The tissue revealed patches of disorganization […]

Poison centers warn of e-cigarette accidents

Poison centers are warning parents to keep the liquid nicotine they use in e-cigarettes away from children. The American Association of Poison Control Centers issued the warning Tuesday after reporting a […]

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