
Pets protecting kids from allergies

Scientists have for years said kids who grow up with dogs and cats are less likely to develop allergies or asthma. And now, a team of researchers is getting closer to […]

The bread taste test

Manufacturers could reduce the amount of sodium in loaves of bread and people wouldn’t likely even taste a difference. And even if they did, most would still like the lower-sodium bread. Researcher’s […]

Benefits of smog?

Did you know there are benefits to having your country blanketed in smog? Well, according to China’s government-run media outlets, there are several “surprising benefits” of the smog covering swaths of […]

Holiday calorie burners

The holidays are here and with them often come tasty food, sweet treats and extra calories. But some of your everyday activities leading up to the holidays can burn calories. Here are […]

Cities cracking down on e-cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes are under attack from health officials on each of the coasts. On the West Coast, the Los Angeles City Council is cracking down on the sales of e-cigarettes. On the […]

Researchers are creating a ‘smart bra’

On the heels of the Xbox One release, researchers at Microsoft are working on the next big thing: the smart bra. The new women’s undergarment was revealed in a new paper, […]

Morning-after pill ineffective for heavier women

Turns out, that morning-after pill may not be so effective at preventing pregnancy – at least not if you weigh more than 165 pounds. The European manufacturer of an emergency contraception […]

Snorting Smarties

A third-grader in Georgia was suspended from school this week for crushing up Smarties candies and snorting the powder. Is this really going to become a thing kids do? The 9-year-old was […]

Mom fined for kids’ ‘lunch box supplement’

A parent in Manitoba, Canada was fined for sending her kids to daycare with “unbalanced” lunches. But before you applaud the daycare for pushing for healthy lunches, consider what the mother […]

Unapproved meningitis vaccines for college students

A meningitis outbreak has school officials ordering a vaccine not yet approved in the U.S. to try and stop the spread of the disease on the Princeton University campus. The vaccine […]

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