Cat Tales

Keeping Cats Cool in the Heat

By Nomi Berger, guest writer Picture yourself on a sweltering summer day wearing a long fur coat. Are you hot yet? Itchy? Thirsty? Desperately searching for shade? Now picture your cats […]

Litterbox Lessons: Litterbox Access For All!

I'd like to tell you a short story.  I'm sharing this story with you because cat behaviorists are people too, and the cats they live with are, well, also cats.  […]

Recycled cats are priceless

Pet overpopulation continues to be a huge problem. Shelters have limited capacity and every 8 seconds an unwanted cat or dog is euthanized somewhere in the United States. It is […]

Pet Cancer Awareness Month

One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do is euthanize my 14-year-old tortoiseshell cat, Zoe. My petite little Zoe had been with me for some of the most […]

Cat immune deficiencies cause concerns

If you have been around cats for a while, you have probably come into contact with the acronyms FIV and FeLV. But do you know what they are? They are both […]

Specially-Abled Cats are Pawesome!

May 3 is National Specially-Abled Pets Day (formerly Disabled Pets Day)!  I'm so happy that I get to write about this nationally-recognized day, since cats with special needs or handicaps […]

Ferals, Strays and Barn Cats

  You’ve seen them around, cats that seem to have no home and may be skittish towards you. These are cats that have either lost their home and have to fend […]

You CAN Train Your Cat!

I previously wrote an article on the benefits of using positive reinforcement to encourage your cat to exhibit "good" behaviors.  I'd like to take the application of positive reinforcement one […]

Catios and the great outdoors

If you love your kitties like I do, you want to keep them safe. When Fluffy lives indoors, she stays safe, but she can be bored. Although cats prefer to […]

Using Positive Reinforcement to Encourage Good Cat Behavior

You know how people say that cats can't be trained?  I will heartily disagree with that statement!  In fact, cats have got this training concept down pat.  Think about it […]

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