Cat Tales
Kitten Finders, Kitten Keepers?
Have you ever found yourself in the position of finding a litter of kittens and wondering what to do next? To keep or not to keep, that is the question. Here, […]
50 Fun Feline Facts
As fascinating as felines are, and as fanciful as some features seem, these chosen fifty prove that sometimes facts are stranger than fiction. 1. Cats are North America’s most popular pets: […]
Catified Cats Are Satisfied Cats
The verb may be new to the vernacular, but it’s far from a novel concept in “certain circles.” That verb is catification. The creation of a feline-friendly environment catering to a […]
Make Moving Easier for You and Your Cat
Cats, like humans, are creatures of habit. Once comfortable in their surroundings, they are unnerved by change. And trading a familiar home for an unfamiliar one can cause fearfulness and […]
Run Rings Around Ringworm
Despite its name, ringworm is NOT caused by a worm but by a fungus. Known as dermatophytes, these fungi can infect the skin, hair and nails of any cat anywhere and […]
Signs Your Cat May Be Sick
Has your puss-in-boots lost the spring in her step? Has he turned tail and taken off at your approach? Has she given her food a sudden “paws down”? Has the […]
Summer Festivities and Feline Safety
What would summertime be without Fourth of July celebrations and family reunions, backyard BBQs and porch, patio and pool parties? Whether held outdoors or indoors, whether with fireworks or fanciful […]
Litterbox Lessons: The Litterbox Location
People love their cats. But people generally don’t love litterboxes. And that’s understandable – they can be dusty, smelly, sticky, and just unpleasant to deal with. Which means that litterboxes […]
That Peculiarity Called Pica
By Nomi Berger Pica (from the Latin term “magpie”) is the term for a feline’s affinity for eating anything that isn’t FOOD. And although it appears most frequently in young cats, […]
Give Your Cat the Freedom of Choice!
We like to think that, in our homes and daily lives, we are in control. Having a measure of control is something that gives us a sense of security, predictability, […]