Cat Tales

Specially-Abled Cats are Pawesome!

May 3 is National Specially-Abled Pets Day (formerly Disabled Pets Day)!  I'm so happy that I get to write about this nationally-recognized day, since cats with special needs or handicaps […]

Ferals, Strays and Barn Cats

  You’ve seen them around, cats that seem to have no home and may be skittish towards you. These are cats that have either lost their home and have to fend […]

You CAN Train Your Cat!

I previously wrote an article on the benefits of using positive reinforcement to encourage your cat to exhibit "good" behaviors.  I'd like to take the application of positive reinforcement one […]

Catios and the great outdoors

If you love your kitties like I do, you want to keep them safe. When Fluffy lives indoors, she stays safe, but she can be bored. Although cats prefer to […]

Using Positive Reinforcement to Encourage Good Cat Behavior

You know how people say that cats can't be trained?  I will heartily disagree with that statement!  In fact, cats have got this training concept down pat.  Think about it […]

Declawing Cats: An Inhumane Practice

“Help! My cat is clawing up my sofa, should I get her declawed? I hear it’s an easy procedure.” Unfortunately, I have heard this statement more than once. People often mistakenly […]

Poison Prevention Week – What Cat Guardians Need to Know

This year, National Poison Prevention Week is March 20-26.  Usually we think about how to protect ourselves and our family, but many of us overlook some of our most vulnerable […]

Easter’s in sight and spring has sprung

Don’t let the Easter Bunny forget about your fluffy feline when he comes a hopping down the bunny trail. Remember the kitties with a basket filled with goodies they will […]

Caring for Cats in Winter

In the Pacific Northwest, the coldest months are probably in January and February.  However, the next couple of months can still be chilly and wet, and we've been surprised more […]

Cats and a couch – All is well with the world

It’s raining, and I’ve settled onto my couch with a warm blanket, a good book, and my three cats—ahh, bliss. The sound of my three cats purring almost puts me […]

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