Cat Tales

10 Brightest Cat Breeds

1. Abyssinian   Not one to laze about, the Abyssinian keeps moving as she eagerly explores her indoor world. She’ll even allow herself to be leashed and walked by her owner if […]

Paws Up for National Cat Day

For decades, designated days have been devoted to an increasing number of awareness raising issues. And since 2005, raising awareness about the crucial issue of cat adoption has had its […]

Cat Costumes for Halloween?

With the approach of Halloween, many cat owners may be tempted to put costumes on their fine feline friends. But should they? Before slipping your cherished companion into something she may […]

The Wonder of White Cats

Not only are white cats rare and valuable, they are also vulnerable. Why? Because the white of their coat isn’t actually a color, but the ABSENCE of color. And why […]

Anisocoria in Cats

Cats’ eyes, so large and so lovely, can also signal injury or illness.   Consider the condition called Anisocoria, where the pupil of one eye is larger than the pupil of the […]

The “Skinny” on Cat Treats

Is your cat one who’s never met a treat she didn’t love? Does she meow at the mere sound of a bag crackling, shaking or opening? Does she salivate at […]

Cats and World Rabies Day

September 28th not only marks World Rabies Day, but the anniversary of the death of Louis Pasteur, the French chemist and microbiologist who developed the first rabies vaccine. Rabies in cats As […]

Your Cat as Therapy Cat

Although less common than their canine counterparts in nursing homes, seniors’ residences and hospitals, special needs schools, libraries and day-care centers, the interest in and demand for therapy cats has […]

Celebrate Happy Cat Month!

September is Happy Cat Month and what better way to show your feline friends how special they are than by dedicating a full MONTH to making them happier than happy! As […]

The Mysterious “Silent Meow”

Your kitty gazes up at you, purr-haps with an eye blink for emphasis, and slowly opens her mouth. She makes a “meow” movement once or twice and then … All […]

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