Cat Tales

Cats and Whiskers

Why do cats have whiskers? For more reasons than they can count on one paw. Consider then, these seven scintillating snippets about a kitty’s wondrous whiskers. 1. They are especially sensitive: […]

Working from Home As the New Normal

If you’re currently working from home, like millions of other cat owners, the success of this “new normal” – however long it lasts – will depend as much on you […]

Sneezing in Cats

Like people, cats usually sneeze because their nasal passages are irritated. In most cases, it’s caused by a pollen allergy, chemical fumes associated with various household solvents, inhaled tobacco smoke, […]

Head Pressing in Cats

Head pressing is the compulsive act of a cat repeatedly and relentlessly pressing her head against a wall or any other hard surface for no apparent reason. Different from head […]

COVID-19 and Cats

Confronting the global pandemic and how it’s affected our daily lives is being compounded by the challenge of separating fact from fiction. Whether you’re now working from home, self-isolating or […]

Hypertension in Cats

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, occurs when a cat’s arterial blood pressure is continually higher than normal. When caused by another disease, it’s known as secondary hypertension, while primary hypertension […]

Stomatitis in Cats

Whether you’re familiar or unfamiliar with this condition, simply put, feline stomatitis is a severe and painful inflammation of a cat’s mouth and gums. Affecting cats of any age and […]

Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Has your senior kitty been wolfing down her food but losing weight? Has her fur lost its luster? Is she overly active, crying at night, and flooding her litter box? If […]

Keeping Cats Off Counters

Do curiosity and counter cruising go paw in paw in your household? Whether your cat climber’s intent is to forage for forgotten food or find the finest view of the kitchen, […]

Why Do Cats Put Toys in Their Bowls?

The short answer, despite several theories: no one really knows. And yet, consider the following: Safekeeping: The theory given the most credence by animal behaviorists involves a cat’s territorial instinct. They believe […]

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