David Madore

Part I: Fact-checking David Madore’s Columbian ad

Clark County Councilor David Madore’s campaign for Clark County council chair, the at-large position newly created after the county voted to approve the home-rule charter last November, is on full […]

Of widows and air conditioning

The sweltering temperatures prompted Clark County councilors to discuss heat safety during this week’s board of health meeting. The conversation started out innocent enough. Councilor Jeanne Stewart was curious what role Clark […]

Councilor Tom Mielke stands up for the press

Councilor Tom Mielke did something I’ve never heard him do before: he encouraged better communication with the press. Wait. Stop the presses. Mielke, who so rarely returns my phone calls and […]

There’s no place like Clark County

The Clark County council is not one to miss a photo op, but Tuesday’s was, perhaps, my favorite. The council proclaimed June 22 to 28 Recycled Arts Week in Clark County, leading up […]

The chorus of the banned

My move to Clark County is complete. I’ve officially been banned from Councilor David Madore’s Facebook. I’m not the first Columbian reporter whose ability to ask questions has been shut down […]

Madore misses the mark on “hate speech”

Clark County Councilor David Madore has the occasional habit of providing a definition to make a point, so let me take a page from his book. Hate speech is any way […]

Councilor David Madore scraping at the bottom of the litter box

Clark County Councilor David Madore compared the work of Regional Transportation Council Chair Melissa Smith to a cat that doesn’t know how to cover her own feces. Literally. Local gadfly Lee Jensen—who could really […]

David Madore may be new friend to farmers

Clark County farmers may have made a new friend: Councilor David Madore. Warren Neth, executive director at Slow Food Southwest Washington, organized a farm tour for the councilor on May 22. […]

No “mini-reporting” for Councilor Jeanne Stewart

Clark County Councilor Jeanne Stewart is backing away from the restriction—though not the sentiment—of running a campaign on a shoestring budget. When Stewart announced her candidacy for Clark County chair, she […]

C-Tran awkwardness: More to come?

The end of this week's C-Tran board meeting may have been summed up best by Camas City Councilor Greg Anderson. "This is awkward," Anderson said at one point. The group had reached […]

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