Author: Stephanie Rice

Leavitt, Pike face off in Portland op-eds

I suppose the Columbia River Crossing is still technically alive, which explains why the Portland Tribune published guest columns today from Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt and state Rep. Liz Pike, R-Camas, […]

Five facts about Kathleen Zellner

Here's five things to know about Kathleen Zellner, the Chicago attorney who will ask a federal judge to order Clark County to pay the $9 million judgment awarded to Clyde […]

Status update on Vancouver City Council’s goals – from 2012

As my editor (my supervisor, not the guy selling coffee mugs), could tell you, I met all of my performance goals for 2013. Sadly, the same can't be said for […]

Potential Spencer fallout, breakdown of costs

I've had a few people ask me today what I think is driving the county commissioners' unanimous decision to not pay the $9 million verdict in the Clyde Ray Spencer […]

“Sincerely, Piss Off!”

Reading through Vancouver council emails the other day, I was able to confirm that Councilor Alishia Topper, who took office in January, hasn't lost her enthusiasm for the job. First, councilors […]

Heartbreak Hall

The Vancouver City Council will take a more prominent role in the state-level permitting process for a proposed oil terminal at the Port of Vancouver. Several opponents to the Tesoro […]

Worries about feds not grounded in reality?

At Monday's council workshop on marijuana retail outlets, Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt asked City Attorney Ted Gathe about the fears expressed by county commissioners that employees will be busted by the […]

Leavitt dutifully recycles “junk mail”

Last week, I wrote a post about how Commissioners David Madore and Tom Mielke were having staff spread the word about their integrity resolution, and I predicted that Vancouver Mayor […]

Mielke opens mouth, blog post falls out

  Hey, thanks Commissioner Mielke! Employee evaluations are exempt from public disclosure  -- but by mentioning Don Benton's evaluation during a public meeting, the exemption was waived. This makes for an […]

Mielke & Madore have integrity and want 341 people to know it

Looks like someone is doing quite a project in the Clark County Board of Commissioners' office at the Public Service Center! Wow, the staffers are so busy they forgot to put […]

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