Author: Kaitlin Gillespie

Local attorney hopes to raise voter turnout, one question at a time

If you’re still on the fence about how to vote in the coming Clark County council and Port of Vancouver races, there’s yet another resource to hear directly from the […]

Unequal application of hearing rules

At last week’s joint hearing of the Clark County council and Planning Commission to hear feedback on the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan update, Councilor David Madore set some basic ground […]

The fists are up in general campaign

This campaign is getting ugly. Republican Councilor David Madore early Friday morning posted on his Facebook — a wealth of information, as always — attacking Marc Boldt, no party preference, for […]

So where did Clark County’s tax bank come from?

Ask Councilor Jeanne Stewart, and she’ll tell you raising Clark County’s property tax levy beyond the allowed 1 percent would be “crazy,” or “political suicide.” But if you’ve been following my […]

Pike and Boldt share political sin in common

There’s some irony in the Clark County Republican Party’s decision to endorse a write-in campaign for Rep. Liz Pike, R-Camas, for Clark County chair. After all, she and Marc Boldt […]

Boldt bites back at write-in proponents

Well, it’s not over ‘til it’s over. The news that an attempt to write in Rep. Liz Pike for Clark County council chair has prompted mixed reactions from local Republicans. Some are […]

Clark County council chair candidates pledge clean campaign

Clark County council chair candidates Mike Dalesandro, a Democrat, and Marc Boldt, no party preference, made a very important announcement earlier this week: they’re planning to get along this election. “Both […]

Double standards on teamwork for Clark County council

Next week’s Clark County council, Board of Health and board time meetings have all been cancelled due to lack of a quorum. Both Councilors David Madore and Tom Mielke are […]

So what would it take to run a write-in campaign?

I’ve been asked a few times about whether a write-in candidate will emerge in the race for Clark County chair, and the rumors are certainly flying. The truth is I […]

Tanner Martin backs Chuck Green in District 2

Tanner Martin, who lost in his bid for Clark County council District 2, has backed Democrat Chuck Green’s campaign. Martin ran with no party affiliation, but has said nothing but kind […]

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