
Baby, It’s Hot Outside!

Summer’s sweltering heat can sabotage even the most committed exercise enthusiast’s workout plans. But don’t let the blazing sun deter you! With the right strategies, you can stay active, safe, […]

Stop Running Red Lights on Your Fitness Journey!

In the pursuit of fitness and wellness, mistakes and missed goals are inevitable. Whether it's skipping a workout, indulging in an unhealthy meal, or not hitting a personal best, these […]

Working Out Is Like Brushing Your Teeth

I was teaching at a resort recently and I asked one of the guests if he would like to participate in my fitness class. His response was “No way. I’m […]

Better New Years Resolutions

With approximately 70% of our society overweight or obese, many people use January 1st as an incentive to lose weight and get healthy. Although carrying excessive body fat is a major […]

Workout Myths That May Be Limiting Your Success

Most people start an exercise program only to find themselves quitting within a couple months. Behavioral Change research is shedding light on what may be the issue for most people. […]

Best Apps to Help Achieve Resolutions

Setting and failing at New Year’s Resolutions is so common that it’s become an expectation. If you are serious about experiencing lasting transformations and achieving whatever goals you set for […]

Set The Plan For A Healthy & Fit 2023

In a couple weeks, many people will resolve to make changes to improve their overall health. Some decide to start exercising, eating better, quit smoking and/or lose some weight. Unfortunately, […]

Making Workouts Fun – Exercise Doesn’t Need To Be A Pain!

Most people can’t find the motivation to start exercising. They wonder how others can find any joy in burpees, running, pushups, squats or yoga. Many who do find the inspiration […]

Copy and Paste for Fitness & Health

Sticking to a health, fitness and nutrition program is challenging, but it may be easier than you think. Researchers Katy Milkman and Angela Duckworth, authors of Grit: The Power of […]

10 Tips to Stay on Track

When you start a health and fitness program, everyone has the intention of sticking with it. Often though, motivation fades, boredom may set in, and time constraints make it easy […]

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