Sherri McMillan
Survivors Surviving Breast Cancer
Komen Race for the Cure is this month, Girlfriends Run for a Cure is next month on October 11th and with Breast Cancer Awareness month in October, it puts this […]
No Pain, Lots of Gain!
September is equivalent to the autumn New Year’s Resolution. Many are excited to have the kids back in school, travel complete and are ready to get into a fitness routine. […]
Back to School, Back to YOU!
Now that kids are back in school, it’s a great opportunity to focus on you and your health and fitness. At Northwest Personal Training, we know that.... ......committing to a health […]
Get Fit To Get It Up
Yep that's right....we are going to talk about Erectile Dysfunction today. It may seem a little strange, but this is a serious issue I have been wanting to write about […]
Know Better So You Can Be Better!
It’s hard to do better if you don’t know better! So part of the..... .....process of achieving any goal is to learn as much as you can about the process. In terms […]
Weekly Workout Routine
Last week we talked about the importance of moving your body and how to make that commitment. Once you figure out the WHY, the WHAT is the easy part. So […]
Move That Body
It’s hard to be great if you don’t feel great. It’s hard to live your best life and achieve all your dreams if you’re not at your physical best. Unfortunately, more […]
Watch Your Words Around Girls (and Boys!)
It is the season of swim suits and minimal clothing which can often lead people to be more conscious of their bodies and can result in depression and/or negative body […]
Eating Healthy & Staying Lean in the Summer
You would think with the nicer weather and longer days, we’d all be getting plenty more activity during the summer and leaning up nicely. But that’s not often the case. […]
Staying Fit in the Heat
With the mercury hitting 90 degrees so many days in a row in the NW, it’s causing lethargy in even the most energetic fitness fanatics. Here’s some tips to keep […]