Sherri McMillan

Favorite At Home Exercises

HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!! The holidays are upon us making it more difficult to get to the gym. The good news is you don’t need a gym to stay in shape over […]

Wake Up Call

Have you ever stopped to look closely at a tombstone?  Usually it will list the deceased’s name, perhaps a few words to remember them by and then it will list […]

Stay Fit During the Cold, Dark & Rainy Season

Who wants to go for a run, bike or hike when it’s cold and rainy outside? With less light, it’s easy to understand why people don’t get as much activity […]

Fix That Flat and Keep Going!

Social media lit up after Halloween with people confessing to indulging in one too many Halloween mini-chocolates or too many festive cocktails at the SPOOKtacular parties. We all get off […]

Think Your Way FIT!

Now that the days are getting shorter and darker and the weather is getting cold and wet, many of us will be hitting the gym a lot more. Do you […]

Managing Knee Pain

  If you are an avid athlete or exercise-enthusiast, you have probably experienced knee pain at some point. So what do you do when the pain is forcing you to discontinue […]

Core Strength

Strengthening your core is critical for optimal health. If your core is strong (core strength), that strength radiates out to your extremities and you will be better able to stabilize […]

Strengthen Your Hips to Save Your Knees

If your hips aren’t stable and effectively able to stabilize your pelvis while walking, running or playing sports, your knees will suffer. Strong Hips = Strong Knees.  Weak Hips = Weak […]

An Old Habit is Hard to Break!

We humans are creatures of habit and often do things, not because we need to, but rather because it’s just the way we’ve always done them. Some common examples are: Salting […]

Do You Need a Rest Day?

Recently, I was lying in bed and it was raining outside. I was scheduled for a workout but I was having a hard time leaving my warm bed to head […]

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