Sherri McMillan
‘DO THIS, NOT THAT” Doesn’t Work!
Is High Intensity Training the way to go? Or is Long, Slow Distance Training better? What cardio exercise brings the best results – is it cycling, rowing, running or something […]
Time is of essence! In a one-hour workout, it’s difficult to achieve a proper warm-up, an adequate cardio workout, a challenging strength training segment, some postural exercises and an appropriate […]
Tips For Strengthening Your Abs
Core Conditioning is critical to your overall health but it’s more than just your abs! It encompasses your abs, your back, your hips and pelvis muscles. Your core is your […]
Why You NEED To Lift HEAVY!
Many physiologists and researchers considering Strength Conditioning to be the true Fountain of Youth - the magic "pill" to reverse or prevent a significant portion of the aging process. Many of […]
Best Strength Exercises You Can Do Anywhere!
The evidence is clear – Strength Training is the True Fountain of Youth. If you commit to conditioning your muscles against resistance at least a couple times per week, you can […]
Pink Power – Training Post Breast Cancer Surgery
We probably all know at least one person who has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I personally know a great deal of women who have been diagnosed including many of […]
To Change Something, You Have to CHANGE Something!
If you do what you always do, you’ll get what you always get. If you actually want to change your body and your fitness level, things in your life will […]
Correct Terrible Posture
Since many of us spend so much more time hunched over our laptops, Ipads and cell phones, it’s easy to see why many younger adults are depicting the typical hunch […]
Mixing Bikes and Cars Safely
I recently had 3 friends get hit by a car while riding their bikes so it prompted me to write this column to remind drivers and cyclists how to navigate […]
Working Out When There is Fire All Around
With the recent fires in the Gorge and throughout the Northwest, it feels like we are surrounded by smoke and fires. Many have questioned whether it’s still okay to exercise […]