Sherri McMillan

Add Good Vibrations into your Workout Routines

A new trend in the fitness industry that just may hold some staying power is Vibration therapy, a technique that utilizes tools of various shapes and sizes to warm-up, release […]

Healthy Halloween

It is estimated that people will consume up to 7000 calories on Halloween! The sugar rush and the subsequent crash can take its toll – just ask any teacher the […]

Being Bored while working out is Boring

Have any of you ever started an exercise program with a great deal of excitement and then lost your enthusiasm shortly after? Well you’re not alone - it’s very common […]

5 Minute Killer Core Workout

Strengthening your core is critical for optimal health. If your core is strong, that strength radiates out to your extremities and you will be better able to run faster, jump […]

Take Advantage of Fall and Get Fit!

It’s not as hot, kids are back to school, vacations are over and many people use this time to “Fall back into Fitness”. Here’s some easy tips to put ‘Fitness […]

Fit For The Rain

After enjoying a wonderful summer, we’re probably all bracing for the rainy season. So how do you stay fit, when it’s rainy and cold? Many people notice that their activity […]

Monitor Your HEART!

At Northwest Personal Training, we have recently implemented a new system called Fit-Metrix which tracks our clients’ heart rate during workouts, time in each training zones, calories burned and more. […]

Train to Run APPLETREE – Week 6

It’s Race Week! Time flies when you’re having fun! You will experience a lot of adrenaline and feed off the energy of others at the race but continue to listen […]

Train to Run APPLETREE – Week 5

We have 2 weeks left to get you to the finish line. Remember that half the battle is your mindset. So get your mind straight and believe that you can […]

Train to Run APPLETREE – Week 4

Are you feeling stronger? The program probably doesn’t feel easier because as you’re getting more fit, I’m making the program harder as you progress. We are three weeks in and […]

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